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Universal Joint clamp for 5 pins and for 2 connecting rods / parallel. Available in all Sizes...
Raspatories160 mm, 6¼..
Proximal Tibial Safety Lock (LCP) Plate 4.5mm / 5.0mm in all sizes available...
Dingmann Bone Holding Forceps 19cm, 7 1/2".Available in all Sizes...
Bone Curettes145 mm, 5¾..
Tooth Forceps for upper roots ..
Impression TraysImpression Trays6.9x5.4 cm ..
Fully threaded screws for use in interfragmental compression in small cancellous bone. Not to be used as lag screw. But partially threaded screw for use as lag screw in fragment fixation. Deep buttress thread from provides enchanced pull-out resistance. Used in conjuction with one-third tubu..
Indication: Used for pseudarthrosis of humerus and as a tension band plate for femoral fractures. Not for use on the tibia. Compression is achieved by use tension device. ..
Safety Lock (LCP) Screw 5.0mm Self Tapping and Self Drilling ..
Stille-Liston Bone Cutting Forceps..
Mc Indoe Bone Cutting Forceps Double Action 17cm,6 3/4"...Available in all Sizes..
Moore Bone Hand Drill 28cm, 11"...Available in all Sizes.....